Source code for httpcore._sync.base

import enum
from types import TracebackType
from typing import Iterator, Tuple, Type

from .._types import URL, Headers, T

class NewConnectionRequired(Exception):

class ConnectionState(enum.IntEnum):
        |    |   ^
        v    V   |
        ACTIVE   |
         |  |    |
         |  V    |
         V  IDLE-+
       FULL   |
         |    |
         V    V

    PENDING = 0  # Connection not yet acquired.
    READY = 1  # Re-acquired from pool, about to send a request.
    ACTIVE = 2  # Active requests.
    FULL = 3  # Active requests, no more stream IDs available.
    IDLE = 4  # No active requests.
    CLOSED = 5  # Connection closed.

[docs]class SyncByteStream: """ The base interface for request and response bodies. Concrete implementations should subclass this class, and implement the :meth:`__iter__` method, and optionally the :meth:`close` method. """
[docs] def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[bytes]: """ Yield bytes representing the request or response body. """ yield b"" # pragma: nocover
[docs] def close(self) -> None: """ Must be called by the client to indicate that the stream has been closed. """ pass # pragma: nocover
[docs]class SyncHTTPTransport: """ The base interface for sending HTTP requests. Concrete implementations should subclass this class, and implement the :meth:`request` method, and optionally the :meth:`close` method. """
[docs] def request( self, method: bytes, url: URL, headers: Headers = None, stream: SyncByteStream = None, ext: dict = None, ) -> Tuple[int, Headers, SyncByteStream, dict]: """ The interface for sending a single HTTP request, and returning a response. Parameters ---------- method: The HTTP method, such as ``b'GET'``. url: The URL as a 4-tuple of (scheme, host, port, path). headers: Any HTTP headers to send with the request. stream: The body of the HTTP request. ext: A dictionary of optional extensions. Returns ------- status_code: The HTTP status code, such as ``200``. headers: Any HTTP headers included on the response. stream: The body of the HTTP response. ext: A dictionary of optional extensions. """ raise NotImplementedError() # pragma: nocover
[docs] def close(self) -> None: """ Close the implementation, which should close any outstanding response streams, and any keep alive connections. """
def __enter__(self: T) -> T: return self def __exit__( self, exc_type: Type[BaseException] = None, exc_value: BaseException = None, traceback: TracebackType = None, ) -> None: self.close()